April 14, 2009

Thank you Cindy!

My friend Cindy over at Art Spectrum (artspectrum.blogspot.com) created a new banner for my Etsy store (ElizaG.Etsy.com).

I love it...thank you Cindy!

Cindy is an incredible artist and has many of her original pieces listed in her Etsy store (
cinhesse.etsy.com). This is a great way to support a local artist if you live in Central Florida.

For those of you that do live in the Central Florida area, stay tuned she and her husband, Chef Christopher (symmetry-sauces.blogspot.com) will be opening a bagel shop in Lake Mary in the near future.

This is one very talented family!


Capturing Sunshine said...

You go with your post! I was so excited to see a new post from you, and then to see it was about Cindy...two of my favorite people in one post capture!

I love the new banner.

ch said...

Hi Donna,

Thank you so much for the mention. I am honored!

We've been busy here trying to get it all together. I'll update you on everything soon. Thanks to Hayley's help(technical writing magic) we're really moving ahead nicely.

Aren't friends great!!

Have a great day!

P.S. The video of the singer made me cry! Amazing!! Just goes to show, you can't judge a book by it's cover.